A particular synthesis of body work,
Massage, singing and energy work,
as well as herbal knowledge and inclusion
Of the elements, which are allowed to merge in an unusual way.
A moment enriched by spontaneous singing
and live music that will bring you
In deep relaxation within your temple.

– Treatment –
Oceanic Bodywork®
Earth and Fire
It is a holistic massage, involving the person as a whole, soul, mind and body.
Massage invokes the flow of waves, connecting with the elements.
Hawaiian massage is not merely a form of aesthetic or physical well-being.
The valence of the kahuna was very important in the past, so much so that it coincided
with a ritual that marked the transition to a new phase of life, bringing man to true self-awareness, physical and spiritual maturity.
Oceanic Bodywork® Fire and Earth was developed by Nirvano Martina Schulz. One part is related to Hawaiian Bodywork, ancient knowledge of the powerful art of massage passed down from Kahuna Abraham to Nirvano.

Through meetings
We will explore our womanhood.
A reconnection with our true nature.
An opportunity to co-create in listening
Of our hearts, in the dance,
In song, in touch, in silence
And in meditation.