Introducing to Voicing
Reconnecting with emotions
II VOICING© is a practice that brings experience and understanding of the true nature of verbal communication, the power of sounds and singing.
Singing is the language of the soul.
In our culture, however, we respond to the beliefs that one must “know how to sing,” that “singing is a gift that not everyone has that “one must practice every day to be able to sing,” etc.
What this really means is, only if you have a given chant to be repeated in a certain way, a chant previously written or set to music either by others or yourself.
This creates anxiety, fear, shame, and a sense of inability with respect to one’s ability to repeat sounds “correctly,” according to certain expectations.
This exposes how something essentially spontaneous, intimate and natural is blocked by restrictive ideas about “how one should sing”
II VOICING© brings understanding to what singing originally is: it is the vehicle that best expresses the essential qualities of Being.
It aims to have singing recognized as a right of every human being.
Each of us is able to sing our own song in that moment, in a way that is always new, always unpredictable, and without relying on predetermined melodies.
II VOICING© is a special and unique practice that one as an instrument the human voice, sung, without interruption, without predetermined or thought out sound tracks.
During the practice we learn to reconnect with ourselves and express our inner dimension, our emotions, . … letting the song arise spontaneously, without judging it.
We will use movement and breath to facilitate sound expression coming to unlock even old distortions or energy blocks coming to open new dimensions and new qualities of communication.
What a relief to discover that fears, pains, blocks, judgments and wounds can dissolve through a creative and celebratory act such as singing.
Self-acceptance that allows freedom of expression.
Every voice has incredible potential, constantly changing and expanding, as much as life is.
What I observe through working with VOICING© is that it helps to live in authenticity and truth, bringing acceptance to our human being.
In this work, no one is out of tune, no one is inadequate or discarded because everything can be investigated and integrated through the voice.
II VOICING© is also a direct exploration of the auditory mode to learn to distinguish the “hearing” of listening. Listening is an art that needs to be revitalized today.
By broadening one’s auditory perceptions, one not only facilitates and amplifies one’s sound output, but also becomes aware of the effects of sounds on the human system: the sounds of both one’s own singing and external sounds, such as human voices, sounds of nature, of unusual musical instruments, of singing, music, noise,
It will also be an invitation to appreciate the preciousness of silence.
II VOICING© is especially recommended for those whose activities are related to the use of voice and verbal communication, especially if they feel discomfort, shame dissatisfaction or a sense of limitation.
It addresses all those who feel the call for self-discovery.
To people who want to expand their field of expression.